Auction Catalog

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$25 Gift cards (7)

Backstop Bar and Grill

$25 gift card to Backstop Bar & Grill

$25 gift card to Backstop Bar & Grill

$25 gift card to Backstop Bar & Grill

Five (5) Raffle Tickets - Blazer...

Canby Rotary

Gift certificate

Double Aught Ranch

$25 gift certificate

$25 gift certificate

$25 gift certificate

Itunes (1)

Keith Galitz

Gift card for itunes

Gift card for itunes

Gift card for itunes

Pizza gift card

Cutsforth Thriftway

Good for one large pizza

Good for one large pizza

Good for one large pizza

Raffle for 2 Blazer Tickets - Ph...

Canby Rotary